The best way to update your website content is to upload it through FTP. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol that allows transferring files between two hosts (your computer and Plesk server). Plesk panel acts as an FTP server, while users should use some FTP client to access the directories on the server.
To create an additional FTP account:
1. Log into your control panel.
2. Click on the 'Websites & Domains'.
3. Click on the 'FTP access'.
4. Click on the 'Add an FTP Account'.
5. Fill all the details.
Hard disk quota - Unlimited
Read permission . To allow the FTP user to view the contents of the home directory and download files from it, select the Read permission checkbox.
Write permission. To allow the FTP user to create, view, rename and delete directories in the home directory, select the Write permission checkbox
if you do not grant any permissions, a connection to the FTP account will be made, but the contents of the home directory will not be shown to the user.
6. Click OK.
To change the properties of an additional FTP account:
1. Go to Websites & Domains and click FTP Access.
2. Click the required FTP account name in the list.
3. Make the required changes and click OK.
To remove an additional FTP account:
1. Go to Websites & Domains and click FTP Access.
2. Select the checkbox corresponding to the FTP account you want to remove and click Remove.
Note that the main FTP account of a subscription cannot be removed.
3. Confirm removal and click OK.