Before going ahead to add any custom error page you have to Turn on custom error document function.
To switch on custom error page support
1. Login to your control panel
2. Go to Websites & Domains
3. Locate your domain and click Hosting Settings
4. Check the Custom error documents checkbox
5. Click OK
1. Login to your control panel
2. Go to Websites & Domains
3. Select File Manager and click error_docs folder from the root directory
4. You can see a list of files. Edit or replace the appropriate files, make sure to preserve the correct file names.
5. Click OK
Method 2: Create custom error pages
1. Create a new custom error page and upload it to the domain by using File manager. You can use any languages like PHP, ASP, HTML and ASP.NET, the File name can be used as you wish.
2. Go to Websites & Domains
3. Locate your domain and click on Virtual Directories.
4. Select the Error Documents tab
5. Click on the Error Document which you wish to manage
6. Select the following options,
File - Select a specific file and it should be located in error_docs directory.
URL - Specify a custom error page which is located in other than error_docs directory.
Default - Select this option only if you wish to use default windows error page.
Location :
Provide file name of the error page, If the file is located other than error_docs directory then the path should be relative to the virtual host root. That is,
For example,
7. Click OK