Simple UNIX commands Print

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cd ~ change to user's root directory
cd dir change directory to dir/
chmod ### file change file's mode/permission. Learn more here.
cp file1 file2 make a copy of file1 as new file2.
date show the server's time and date.
exit exit from shell.
ls list the files in the current directory. "ls -l" gives more detail list.
man command show the manual page for command.
mv file1 file2 rename the file name from file1 to file2.
mv p1/file p2/file if p1 is different from p2, than it will moves file from directory p1 to directory p2.
pico textfile edit textfile such as HTML file, scripts, etc.
ps show the list of your processes. "ps -auxww" shows more detailed list.
pwd show what's the current path.

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